Hey Legend,


    Stoked you're here.

    Abstinence is the way for some.
    For us, we practice Vice Optimisation:

    AKA Every time we drink we spend a token,

    applying intention and reflection to our drinking ritual.

    Together we've spent over 100,000 Tokens in our Tokens app with people across the globe transforming their habits for a happier, healthier life in flow.

    Not to mention more ripping nights out!

    In 2024 we're relaunching with a new plan, new drive and new crew and would love to have you onboard with us.


    I've been personally practising this system for almost eight years and invite you to watch the video - check out the testimonials and read our investor deck to see if joining us in 2024 is your jam.


    We close our EOI applications at 5pm Wednesday the 20th of December.


    NOTE: If you want to send this link to someone else, please email me at benny@101tokens.com

    or send me a msg +61 (0) 432299389




    What you get for joining the Token Game in 2024:

    🚀 Your contribution vested as equity in 101 Tokens PTY LTD (Potential to be 10x - 100x Aaaannnd of course everyone says that! We've got some prelim numbers in the deck below)

    🚀 Becoming a healthier happier human who can reinvest their cash elsewhere ( The average person saves $4.5k a year. Benny saved $8k his first year)


    🚀 Performance Coaching (3x private Sessions over 12months) - ($1200 Value)

    🚀 The Token Game App 2.0 ($97 value)

    🚀 (Optional) Monthly Learning Check-in calls to share your experience (The Good, The Bad and the Frothy) ($600 value)

    🚀 12 Months of accountability in a private group ($400)


    🚀 BONUS: Happy Vice, Happy Life Program (The upgraded Smart Drinking Bootcamp - previously supported 100's to optimise their lives) ($897 value)


    Total Value: $7,694 AUD


    What we need from you:

    🚀 To use the Token App for a full year.


    🚀 A quarterly survey for feedback on the new app, the community and the program.


    🚀 Investment options of $5k or $10k. 


    🚀 Fill out the Expression of Interest form below (Takes 2 minutes).


    What we're doing in 2024

    🚀 Relaunching the app to the public.


    🚀 Building out the marketing (including the 'Was it worth it' book) to invite thousands into the Token Game.

    🚀 Rebooting the brand.

    🚀 Rebuilding our education program


    🚀 Rekindling partnerships with our friends in the mindful drinking movement. Sobah, Heaps Normal, PS40, Seedlip,


  • FAQs

  • How the Token Game Works

    It's easy to play the game.

    Just a can-do attitude and the motivation to get started.


    Spend a Token


    Declare the night ahead as a token night and set your intention.


    Then go out and have a bloody good time.





    The Next day.

    Wake up and

    answer the big question.




    Vice Optimisation

    Yay or Nay...

    It doesn't matter.

    Because every time you spend a token you're getting better.


    And when you return to step 1 for the next sesh you carry the learning with you.



  • RESULTS after playing the Token Game...

    From Token Players + Doctors + The Media


    It's given me 1-2 days' worth of productivity back every week.

    Eric - 29 Serial Entrepreneur


    I haven’t given up anything that I like, but today, in November 2018, I am 81 lbs lighter and have only used 55 tokens for the whole of this year. Which means I can have a guilt-free drink at Christmas and New Year (woohoo!!!)” Jean - NGO Worker


    “Loving the Course, as soon as you think about having a beer or a wine you refer back to the first project we did - The Why. It sounds simple and easy, but that’s been the game changer for changing my habits.” Nick - 34 - Digital Entrepreneur


    "I went from drinking 12-14 beers most nights. To 2-4 cans 4 to 5 nights a week. I started a 3/10 for drinking, now I'm up at 8.5/10 and I started the family business." Milt - 29 - Business Owner


    "If you're going out, or cut your drinking habits from 3-4 nights (to 1 or 2). You're potentially saving $100 a week, it equates to over 5 grand a year." Jarrod - 30 - Business Owner (Interviewed on Channel 9 News about Tokens)


    “The 101 Token Lifestyle allowed me to really sit with my shit. AKA think about my decisions and how they were going to affect my potential and also the potential of the most important people in my life.” Sara – 32 - Systems Designer


    "Forget Febfast - make it a happy and healthy one[relationship] that you feel completely in control of" - Popsugar

    “I realised the key driver for me was that I wanted to show up for my twin teenage girls in the best way possible. Every time I go to drink I use the strategies to make sure they align with being the best Dad I can be.” Ben – 48 – Manager Director


    “Drinking is not my entire life, but football is, it’s at the very core of me and (Tokens) helped me find that. I‘m 22 and have already lived my dream.” Katie - 22 - Professional Football Journalist


    Being mindful is difficult at first. However the more you do it the easier it gets. I’m using it now in my personal relationships by being “present” rather than having an eye on the phone/tv as my brain is struggling with a hangover. - Tim


    "I really like the way you've called it the mindful approach I think that's really important not to put people off and for people to be a part of it" - Karl The Today Show

    - "I have realised that I could happily never drink again if it wasn’t for my mates, god bless them. The main reason why I do drink is because of social expectations, the desire to enjoy the company of others and to share an experience together. Don’t get me wrong, I love a cold beer after a fun surf, I love a glass of wine with my girl and I love the taste of a quality rum- but I also enjoy a nice cup of tea too." - Josh - Medical Researcher


    "Me and three of the other producers are doing it as well, Fox Sports is working hard to build the 'Token' community" - Glenn - Fox Sports Anchor


    My favourite line of the night's workshop was mindful drinking. At the bar instead of having twelve beers you'd stick to six. I really appreciate how you keep this approach to drinking real. Jess


    I have for sure been spreading the 101 gospel in Ireland! The joke in the office when I am off to a nice event is the question: “So you’ll be spending a token, then?...” I certainly spent a token yesterday at the Ireland v All Blacks game in Dublin! We won for the first time on home soil. A fantastic feat! - Caroline


    I’ve had 6 or 7 nays..: but learnt from each of them and changed my behaviours. Ive not had a drink for almost 2 weeks, and really looking forward to mindfully having quite a few tmrw for a friends 50th - Clair


    "Its also about not stopping drinking altogether, just getting it in control for what works for you" - Amanda on ABC Life Matters


    From an everyday drinker (though not pissed every night) I’m right down to less than 1 session a week and the most refreshing thing is my complete mindset change. I love going out and having a few with my mates but have miraculously started to relish the nights at home without having a beer, enjoying much better sleep and feeling great when I wake up the next day. I’ve tried abstinence before and it doesn’t work for me but something in your system makes me realise that 101 tokens a year to have a drink doesn’t make isn’t too restrictive – At 48 years old I wish I’d have discovered it 20 years ago! - Tony


    The Tokens kept me sane when at times all I wanted to do was open the fridge and start pouring alcohol down my throat to numb what was going on in my life. I had to be accountable. I had to chart my drinking and being competitive and challenging myself about succeeding, failure was not an option. - Sean Self-employed Electrician


    My relationship with everything in life, especially alcohol, has been going through an interesting and positive change - Seb Copywriter


    I feel stronger and less stressed without the booze but still enjoy it now and again if the situation and company are right. - Emily


    I’m currently sober and your emails have played a part in that, and I wanted to say thank you so much for what you do. - Cieri


    I’ve taken plenty of learnings from my tracked behaviour in the last year and whilst it’s not about simply using less tokens in 2020 than I did in 2019, I definitely want to continue to adjust my behaviour to have better balance in my life. - Andrew


    "Everyone who skips a night on the booze (routine), sub it out for other things which sometimes help you to learn new skills n’ things." AC - Health tech Entrepreneur


    "By now our friends are used to our token journey and although they sometimes complain that “they are not worth a token” it seems to be fine once people know you won't crack." Talya & Marty


    "I was amazed at (without sounding preachy) the physical results from being able to train at full capacity to a schedule every day and; the ability for the mind to function so much more clearly when you’re tipple free." Rossco


    "Usually my work trips to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia end with a drink at the hotel bar looking out over the Twin Towers, however, with the token challenge in full swing I was presented with an excellent opportunity to have a #tokendayoff." - Courtney


    "February was a month full of token days off. I was in the gym loads, spending more time with my family, baking up a storm in the kitchen and just generally enjoying not having to drink at every occasion that presented itself to me." Bailey - Events Manager


    "Benny's program has a role in younger people not drinking as much because it's becoming more socially acceptable" Dr Sarah on ABC Life Matters

  • *Images - Sharing Vice Optimisation with Channel 7   and a group of Entrepreneurs in Croatia.


    *Images - Sharing Vice Optimisation with Channel 7

    and a group of Entrepreneurs in Croatia.