Want to Remove your Drinking Pain?
Level Up your Drinking Game
“I haven’t given up anything that I like, but today, in November 2018, I am 81 lbs (36kgs) lighter and have only used 55 tokens for the whole year. Which means I can have a guilt-free drink at Christmas and New Year (woohoo!!!)” Jean 48 - UK
Keen to give it a whirl?
How to Drink Guilt-Free / Spend a Token
Set your intention and 'Away we go!'
Live a little.
Have a bloody good time.
You deserve it.
The next day
answer the big question.
'Yay' or 'Nay'
It doesn't matter.
Because when you spend a next token you carry the learning with you.
This cycle is how you retrain your drinking brain.
We call it Vice Optimisation.
"After spending Tokens my relationship with everything in life, especially alcohol, has been going through an interesting and positive change." Seb 30 - Writer UK
"My favourite line of the night's workshop was 'At the bar instead of having twelve beers, stick to six.' I really appreciate how you keep this approach to drinking real." Jessie - 41 Teacher USA
"The Tokens kept me sane when at times all I wanted to do was open the fridge and start pouring alcohol down my throat to numb what was going on in my life. I had to be accountable. I had to chart my drinking and being competitive and challenging myself to succeed." Sean 32 - Electrician AUS
Our App and Programs combine peak performance and life design with health optimisation.
$39.00 AUD
Per Month
🚀 The new Token Game App
🚀 Monthly Health Optimisation Masterclass + QnA
🚀 12 Months of accountability in a private group
🚀 BONUS: Happy Vice, Happy Life Program - When released.
$330.00 AUD
Pay Once (save $138)
🚀 The new Token Game App
🚀 Monthly Health Optimisation Masterclass + QnA
🚀 12 Months of accountability in a private group🚀 BONUS: Happy Vice, Happy Life Program - When released
Private Coaching
Call to discuss
Multiple options
Everything in Yearly, plus:
One-on-one coaching:
🚀 3 months
🚀 12 months
RESULTS after playing the Token Game...
From Token Players + Doctors + The Media
It's given me 1-2 days' worth of productivity back every week.
Eric - 29 Serial Entrepreneur
“I haven’t given up anything that I like, but today, in November 2018, I am 81 lbs lighter and have only used 55 tokens for the whole of this year. Which means I can have a guilt-free drink at Christmas and New Year (woohoo!!!)” Jean - NGO Worker
“Loving the Course, as soon as you think about having a beer or a wine you refer back to the first project we did - The Why. It sounds simple and easy, but that’s been the game changer for changing my habits.” Nick - 34 - Digital Entrepreneur
"I went from drinking 12-14 beers most nights. To 2-4 cans 4 to 5 nights a week. I started a 3/10 for drinking, now I'm up at 8.5/10 and I started the family business." Milt - 29 - Business Owner
"If you're going out, or cut your drinking habits from 3-4 nights (to 1 or 2). You're potentially saving $100 a week, it equates to over 5 grand a year." Jarrod - 30 - Business Owner (Interviewed on Channel 9 News about Tokens)
“The 101 Token Lifestyle allowed me to really sit with my shit. AKA think about my decisions and how they were going to affect my potential and also the potential of the most important people in my life.” Sara – 32 - Systems Designer
"Forget Febfast - make it a happy and healthy [relationship] that you feel completely in control of." - Popsugar
“I realised the key driver for me was that I wanted to show up for my twin teenage girls in the best way possible. Every time I go to drink I use the strategies to make sure they align with being the best Dad I can be.” Ben – 48 – Manager Director
“Drinking is not my entire life, but football is, it’s at the very core of me and (Tokens) helped me find that. I‘m 22 and have already lived my dream.” Katie - 22 - Professional Football Journalist
Being mindful is difficult at first. However the more you do it the easier it gets. I’m using it now in my personal relationships by being “present” rather than having an eye on the phone/tv as my brain is struggling with a hangover. - Tim
"I really like the way you've called it the mindful approach I think that's really important not to put people off and for people to be a part of it" - Karl The Today Show
- "I have realised that I could happily never drink again if it wasn’t for my mates, god bless them. The main reason why I do drink is because of social expectations, the desire to enjoy the company of others and to share an experience together. Don’t get me wrong, I love a cold beer after a fun surf, I love a glass of wine with my girl and I love the taste of a quality rum- but I also enjoy a nice cup of tea too." - Josh - Medical Researcher
"Me and three of the other producers are playing as well, Fox Sports is working hard to build the 'Token' community" -
Glenn 36 - Fox Sports Anchor AUS
"I have for sure been spreading the 101 gospel in Ireland! The joke in the office when I am off to a nice event is the question: “So you’ll be spending a token, then?...” I certainly spent a token yesterday at the Ireland v All Blacks game in Dublin! We won for the first time on home soil." A fantastic feat! - Caroline
"I’ve had 6 or 7 nays..: but learnt from each of them and changed my behaviours. Ive not had a drink for almost 2 weeks, and really looking forward to mindfully having quite a few tmrw for a friends 50th" - Clair
"Its also about not stopping drinking altogether, just getting it in control for what works for you" - Amanda on ABC Life Matters
From an everyday drinker (though not pissed every night) I’m right down to less than 1 session a week and the most refreshing thing is my complete mindset change. I love going out and having a few with my mates but have miraculously started to relish the nights at home without having a beer, enjoying much better sleep and feeling great when I wake up the next day. I’ve tried abstinence before and it doesn’t work for me but something in your system makes me realise that 101 tokens a year to have a drink doesn’t make isn’t too restrictive – At 48 years old I wish I’d have discovered it 20 years ago! - Tony
The Tokens kept me sane when at times all I wanted to do was open the fridge and start pouring alcohol down my throat to numb what was going on in my life. I had to be accountable. I had to chart my drinking and being competitive and challenging myself about succeeding, failure was not an option. - Sean Self-employed Electrician
I feel stronger and less stressed without the booze but still enjoy it now and again if the situation and company are right. - Emily
I’m currently sober and your emails have played a part in that, and I wanted to say thank you so much for what you do. - Cieri
I’ve taken plenty of learnings from my tracked behaviour in the last year and whilst it’s not about simply using less tokens in 2020 than I did in 2019, I definitely want to continue to adjust my behaviour to have better balance in my life. - Andrew
"Everyone who skips a night on the booze (routine), sub it out for other things which sometimes help you to learn new skills n’ things." AC - Health tech Entrepreneur
"By now our friends are used to our token journey and although they sometimes complain that “they are not worth a token” it seems to be fine once people know you won't crack." Talya & Marty
"I was amazed at (without sounding preachy) the physical results from being able to train at full capacity to a schedule every day and; the ability for the mind to function so much more clearly when you’re tipple free." Rossco
"Usually my work trips to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia end with a drink at the hotel bar looking out over the Twin Towers, however, with the token challenge in full swing I was presented with an excellent opportunity to have a #tokendayoff." - Courtney
"February was a month full of token days off. I was in the gym loads, spending more time with my family, baking up a storm in the kitchen and just generally enjoying not having to drink at every occasion that presented itself to me." Bailey - Events Manager
"Benny's program has a role in younger people not drinking as much because it's becoming more socially acceptable" Dr Sarah on ABC Life Matters
The token app literally transformed my relationship with alcohol. I now can say no to a drink in a social setting, simply because I do my own quick assessment of whether this drink would be ‘worth’ a token. Kaye - UK
Cheers Doc!
Dr Omar said in our feature on Channel 9,
"For people who use the app properly, they are unlikely to be drinking in dangerous ways."
Keen to invest in your health?
This short vid shares why we're excited to invite more people into The Token Game. We truly believe Vice Optimisation is the secret sauce to save the world or at the very least,
upgrade our health and frequency for good times.
Benny Wallington
Founder & Peak Performance Coach (Former Pisshead)
The Token Game
When do we start?
How many Tokens do I get for the year?
Do I have to play for 12 months?
Will you have a free offering of your app?
What happens if I go over my set number of Tokens?
What is your diversity and inclusion status? Do you have a scholarship option?
What if I have another question?
What are the topics for the Health Optimisation Masterclasses?
The Token Game is a system for taking a conscious approach to drinking.
Token Game members experience major benefits like, reduction in drinking sessions, saving money, healthier relationships with family and friends and an over-all quality of life upgrade.
The Token Game is not designed to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD). For resources related to AUD, including how to get support, please visit the Health Direct Website.
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